Friday 21 September 2018

HOMEOSTASIS & 'SAGAR-MANTHAN' via Sahaja Yogini Armaity Bhabha

HOMEOSTASIS & 'SAGAR-MANTHAN' via Sahaja Yogini  Armaity Bhabha

Before a state of homeostasis is reached in any sphere of existence,..... be it a human organism, ecological and environmental issues, those concerning a society and those dealing with economic, cultural and moral issues affecting humanity, there is always a period of turbulence which precedes it, so that all that is unwholesome, corrupt, and detrimental to the welfare of the whole is exposed for all to see and finally destroyed.

 What we are witnessing today at a global level is a churning or "sagar-manthan" of the modern age .... where only after this period of trial and error brought about by our collective wrong and unwise choices , the nectar or "the amrit" will finally emerge.

 Till then, atleast those of us who can remain a detached witness continue to do that and yet be proactive by putting our enlightened attention on what is happening.

As more and more people realize the truth and see their folly, the time is bound to come when all that is based on foundation of untruth, corruption, foulplay and pandering to lower instincts of men like hatred and greed is finally destroyed.

When such a day will dawn will entirely depend upon more and more human beings who will learn to give precedence to altruism rather than give in to their own selfish greed.

But the beginning has been made ..... but many many more need to be awakened !

Why Sahaja Yoga Meditation?

Why Sahaja Yoga Meditation?

Sahaja Yoga has a beneficial impact on every aspect of a person's life - that is mental, physical, material, emotional and spiritual life.

A rejuvenated human being finds unknown depths of energy and creativity to better his living conditions; and to lead a more meaningful life.

The practice of Sahaja Yoga makes a person calm and collected and able to cope more easily and effectively with the strains and stresses of life.

 It not only prevents but also cures the innumerable diseases which are the outcome of modern day living - such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, mental disorders ,etc.

There is increasing medical proof of the curative powers of Sahaja Yoga as per many experiments conducted.

 Its ability to cure alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction has been established beyond doubt. Sahaja Yoga has also cured several cases of paralysis,epilepsy, cancer and asthma among other diseases.

By bringing about an inner transformation of human beings, the benefits of Sahaja Yoga accrue not only to the individual but also to society, to the nation and ultimately to the entire humanity.

Sahaja Yoga brings about integration of all the major religions of the world.