Sunday 3 December 2017

Sahaja Yogi Luciano G. got completely healed after self realization!

Sahaja Yogi Luciano G. got completely healed after self realization!

My professional life was spent as a civil servant in the Italian Foreign Affairs ministry. In February 1986, just after my return from Moscow where I had been working, I had a myocardial infarct as I was sitting in my armchair reading a newspaper. I almost immediately lost consciousness and only came round about twelve hours later to find myself in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

I later learned that I had been admitted very gravely ill and the doctors did not believe I would recover, despite having subjected me to violent cardiac stimulation. However, I made steady progress and after forty days in the hospital I was allowed to return home, retired from my work as permanently disabled.

I lived under constant medical control, with four visits a year to a cardiologist who carried out electrocardiography and various other tests. The doctor told me that I was very lucky to be alive. The only highlight of this difficult year was getting my Self Realization and finding out about Sahaja Yoga.

About a year after getting my Self Realization I went to see the specialist again. After conducting the usual tests with his apparatus, he expressed astonishment and asked me if I was sure that I had really had an infarctus. 

According to what he told me, the scar from the attack was no longer visible, this was incredible, although on the official report he merely noted that he had an impression of a partial recovery.” 

Since then he has told me that I no longer need undergo any further craniological checkups. The facts are so telling that little comment seems necessary. I would just like to add that my general medical progress followed my Self Realization.

Even the pain of an arthritis in my left shoulder gradually disappeared to the point that I can use my left arm normally and can go swimming again. When I received my Realization I could not even lift my left hand to feel the cool breeze as my shoulder was completely seized.

So I can confirm, in all awareness and all honesty, that only divine intervention helped me survive the heart attack and to get to know about Sahaja Yoga. 

Shri Mataji’s love and the vibrations did the rest.

Sahaja Yogi Luciano G.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Sahaja Yogi Chris C. narrates his miraculous cure from egg sized painful boils!

Sahaja Yogi Chris C. narrates his miraculous cure from egg sized painful boils! 

In September of 1995 I was visiting Darwin, Australia. Just as I was preparing to leave Darwin to travel around Australia, I was bitten by a cattle tick which was carrying a very toxic virus and after several days I ended up with a huge boil under my arm. 

For the next six months I was plagued with huge seeping boils under my left arm. Homeopathy did not work, and even the most powerful courses of antibiotics only kept them at bay for only a few days at best. Still the boils kept coming back, getting worse and worse each time.

In April of 1996 I was on my way back to England and stopped over in India to visit friends for a few days. I had just completed another course of antibiotics to enable me to travel, and the boils were temporarily under control.

 I was in New Delhi and ended up staying in India a couple of weeks rather than a few days. Inevitably the boils returned. My friend asked a doctor she knew to meet me he was a General Practitioner who also used homeopathy and ayurvedic medicine. He arranged to meet me at a medical seminar he was attending the following day.

The next day we went to the seminar to meet him. We sat at the back of the auditorium and waited for the conference to finish. Suddenly the boils under my arm started to throb quite violently and a few seconds later Shri Mataji Herself walked out onto the stage. I was not even aware that She was even still in India at the time! 

She sat down and although there were a lot of people in the room, She immediately started to stare very intensely in our direction. The thumping pain under my arm got faster and faster and Shri Mataji continued to stare in our direction for about thirty seconds. 

All of a sudden the thumping pain stopped and Shri Mataji immediately smiled, looked around the room and the conference continued very successfully.

Afterwards we met Umang’s doctor friend and I explained to him what had happened during the seminar. He just laughed. He asked me to move my arm something that was normally too painful for me to even attempt. I moved my arm and found there was no pain. 

He said I needed no further treatment. Two hours later the boils had shrunk from about the size of half a hen’s egg to one quarter of their original size and the following morning they had disappeared completely. 

The scars of all the boils, at least twenty, had also disappeared and since that day I’ve not had another boil.

Sahaja Yogi Chris C.

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Friday 1 December 2017

Sahaja Yogi Genevive K. talks about the power of surrender!

Sahaja Yogi Genevive K. talks about the power of surrender!

Allow me to tell you about a miracle I experienced. On the 27th of March [1989] I had suffered a phlebitis on my leg, following which an eczema set in around my ankle, stiffening my foot and making walking impossible. Nothing my doctor did helped much. 

On the weekend of the 15th April, two friends of mine went to London to see Shri Mataji, bearing with them a letter I had written and having promised to tell her about my state and ask her kind advice.

On the Sunday evening, as I sat meditating before the photograph of Shri Mataji, the idea came to me suddenly, spontaneously, that I had to detach myself from all the regular medical treatments that I was undergoing and surrender my situation completely into Mother’s hands, following whatever She decided. That way, I hoped, I would be able to travel to see Shri Mataji in early May, when She would be in Italy.

On Monday morning, I stopped all treatment. On Tuesday morning, my friend kindly phoned me to pass on Shri Mataji’s advice. I told her of the decision I had made. My leg was already in a better state, the skin not quite so red, the swelling diminished, and the ankle becoming a little more supple. 

She laughed and I felt a great gratitude towards Shri Mataji. It was clear that my wish was being realized. Early that afternoon, the doctor came to see me. She was very surprised by the progress that had been made and agreed that I had done the right thing in abandoning the treatment she had prescribed for me. 

And she agreed that I would be able to travel again after a short while. By Wednesday evening, everything had completely gone and I was able to travel to the local Sahaja Yoga meeting for the first time in weeks. 

Sahaja Yogi | Genevive K.

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Sahaja Yogini Jane S. found her mother to be completely cured of lung cancer!

Sahaja Yogini Jane S. found her mother to be completely cured of lung cancer!

 I returned from India in June 1986 after four years absence to find my mother looking grey in the face and very aged.

She told me that both her local GP and the specialist from the local hospital strongly suspected she had lung cancer. I wasn’t surprised, as when I saw her for the first time after returning to England I felt a violent constricting pain in my own lung, just momentarily, in the place she later told me the cancer was suspected.

 As Sahaja Yogis we often have this ability, to feel what is going on within someone, if we put our attention on him or her. She told me there was little hope and that she would be going to the prestigious Churchill Clinic in Oxford the following week for a biopsy. But basically, doctors don’t tell patients they might have cancer until they are pretty sure that they do.

I went back to London from the countryside. Shri Mataji was in London at the time, but I didn’t see her. However, unknown to me, some other Sahaja Yogis did tell Shri Mataji that my mother was very ill, probably with cancer.

My mother went for the biopsy in Oxford, clearly very frightened as the result was more or less a foregone conclusion. However, there was not a trace of cancer. The specialist was amazed. He said the lungs were very inflamed, but there was nothing malignant at all. He’d never seen anything like it. 

My mother was not pleased with her GP, a very competent and experienced doctor or the local specialist for telling her she probably had cancer and giving her a terrible fright.

Three days later I saw Shri Mataji. I hadn’t seen Her for some months, since India. “How is your mother?” She asked me. “Well, strangely enough, she’s all right. The doctors thought she had cancer,” I replied.

 “Yes, they told me. I thought I better do something about her and cure her,” said Shri Mataji. 

Jane S. 

Sahaja Yogini Kay O'C gets totally cured of cancerous tumor in her womb!

Sahaja Yogini Kay O'C gets totally cured of cancerous tumor in her womb!

There are no words to express my gratitude and love for Shri Mataji I received Self Realization in 1979 when I was twenty.

Some months later I had a miscarriage, which unfortunately led to serious complications. It was eventually discovered that there was a tumor in my womb. 

The news didn’t come as any great shock, as I’d felt for sometime that there was something wrong with me. It had been impossible to stop thinking and my thoughts were morbid and depressing, often about death. 

Shri Mataji at this time was in India and, although I knew She could cure me, it didn’t seem right to expect to be cured just when She returned to England. So I went to Charing Cross Hospital in London. It was a depressing place to be in, but I felt that Shri Mataji was always with me. They started me on a chemotherapy treatment. The first week wasn’t too bad, but by the third week the pain was unbearable. To the horror of the doctors, I discharged myself. They told me that without the full course of treatment, I’d have at most eighteen months to live.

By this time, Shri Mataji was back in England, so I wrote a letter to her about the illness. Shortly afterwards I was invited to spend some time at Her house at Brompton Square in London. On arrival, Shri Mataji asked me to sit down in front of Her and gave me vibrations. 

After a few minutes She told me that the main causes for the cancer were drugs and getting involved with, and practically hypnotized by, a very negative person. Immediately, I started to feel guilty. How foolish of me! 

So Shri Mataji very sweetly told me not to feel guilty because the vultures swoop down to attack the baby chicks when they’re born and She is like the Mother hen who has to keep the chicks under Her wing.

Shri Mataji asked me to go upstairs and rest. I fell asleep and dreamt of being on a bus full of Sahaja Yogis, driving along a road. Suddenly, we came across the negative person and he was destroyed. I woke up feeling much better.

Shri Mataji worked on me every day for a few days. After two days, the color came back into my cheeks and the darkness around the eyes disappeared. After another two days, Shri Mataji told me I was cured. I felt transformed.

I returned to the hospital for a check up and to show them the results. Only one doctor was interested in how it had happened. The others, reluctant to recognize that the Spirit is stronger than their treatments, put the cure down to luck! 

There are no words to express my gratitude and love for Shri Mataji. The feelings run much too deep for that. Some time later I went for a check-up which included a chest x-ray. On the x-ray my lungs appeared perfectly clear of all contamination by nicotine.

 Normally when a person smokes twenty cigarettes a day, as I did for several years, the lungs continue to bear the traces of the habit long afterwards, but the doctors looking at my x-rays refused to believe that I had ever smoked! 

Sahaja Yogini | Kay O’C.

Sahaja Yogi Alison R. was cured of all symptoms of Dystrophy!

Dystrophy vanished In 1981 - Narrated by Alison R. 

I was told I had had dystrophy and the doctors said I would probably be dead by the time I was forty. I am now forty. But I am still alive and kicking. There is no sign of dystrophy at all.

 I remember that first year in Sahaja Yoga, 1981. I went to see Shri Mataji and She was in a room full of medical doctors who were Sahaja Yogis.

“Well, what’s your problem?” She said. So I said that the doctors had just diagnosed dystrophy and She looked at me and She was laughing, and said the doctors did not know anything (at least in my case!).

 I have never had any sign of it since. 

Alison R. | Sahaja Yogi


About Dystrophy::

Muscular dystrophy is a group of disorders characterized by a progressive loss of muscle mass and consequent loss of strength.

The most common form of muscular dystrophy - Duchenne muscular dystrophy - typically affects young boys, but other variations can strike in adulthood.

Currently, there is no cure for muscular dystrophy, but certain physical and medical treatments can improve symptoms and slow the disease's progression. 

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Sahaja Yogi B.G Murthy escaped death twice with the grace of Shri Mataji!

I was declared dead!!

In December 1971 I fell sick at my home in Nasik and sank into a state of deep anemia, my entire body having turned yellow with an astoundingly low hemoglobin count of five - normal being about fifteen. I sank into a coma and was rushed by ambulance to hospital in Mumbai with a recovery chance estimated at hardly five percent.

At that time, by divine providence, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was in Mumbai and a close relative of ours took my worried children to Her for Her Blessing. When they told Shri Mataji about my plight, She assured them that She would put Her attention on me and I would be all right in a few days. 

After two weeks I was discharged from hospital.

Two weeks later I went for a check-up and was found to be perfectly normal and in good health, to the amazement of the doctors. I was put on some strong medicines, but Shri Mataji advised me to discard them all. 

She warned me that my continued intake of these strong medicines would give me a heart attack at a later date. Ignoring Shri Mataji’s advice and thinking that out of caution I had to take these medicines, I went on for a while till Shri Mataji sent another warning. I then discontinued the medicines, but it was a bit too late.

In 1973 I had a severe heart attack and was rushed to Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, where I was examined and declared dead, my pulse having totally failed. Shri Mataji was at that time in London. Fortunately, She could be contacted over the telephone. Her attention and Her blessings were given to me from London and I miraculously recovered.

My point here is that it is not very necessary for Her to be physically present. Her collective attention and vibrations travel like lightning to any distance in a very short time. 

There was a time I needed twenty to twenty-five tablets a day for my health. Today I do not need even a single tablet and enjoy excellent health.

B.G Murthy | Sahaja Yogi