Saturday 2 December 2017

Sahaja Yogi Chris C. narrates his miraculous cure from egg sized painful boils!

Sahaja Yogi Chris C. narrates his miraculous cure from egg sized painful boils! 

In September of 1995 I was visiting Darwin, Australia. Just as I was preparing to leave Darwin to travel around Australia, I was bitten by a cattle tick which was carrying a very toxic virus and after several days I ended up with a huge boil under my arm. 

For the next six months I was plagued with huge seeping boils under my left arm. Homeopathy did not work, and even the most powerful courses of antibiotics only kept them at bay for only a few days at best. Still the boils kept coming back, getting worse and worse each time.

In April of 1996 I was on my way back to England and stopped over in India to visit friends for a few days. I had just completed another course of antibiotics to enable me to travel, and the boils were temporarily under control.

 I was in New Delhi and ended up staying in India a couple of weeks rather than a few days. Inevitably the boils returned. My friend asked a doctor she knew to meet me he was a General Practitioner who also used homeopathy and ayurvedic medicine. He arranged to meet me at a medical seminar he was attending the following day.

The next day we went to the seminar to meet him. We sat at the back of the auditorium and waited for the conference to finish. Suddenly the boils under my arm started to throb quite violently and a few seconds later Shri Mataji Herself walked out onto the stage. I was not even aware that She was even still in India at the time! 

She sat down and although there were a lot of people in the room, She immediately started to stare very intensely in our direction. The thumping pain under my arm got faster and faster and Shri Mataji continued to stare in our direction for about thirty seconds. 

All of a sudden the thumping pain stopped and Shri Mataji immediately smiled, looked around the room and the conference continued very successfully.

Afterwards we met Umang’s doctor friend and I explained to him what had happened during the seminar. He just laughed. He asked me to move my arm something that was normally too painful for me to even attempt. I moved my arm and found there was no pain. 

He said I needed no further treatment. Two hours later the boils had shrunk from about the size of half a hen’s egg to one quarter of their original size and the following morning they had disappeared completely. 

The scars of all the boils, at least twenty, had also disappeared and since that day I’ve not had another boil.

Sahaja Yogi Chris C.

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