Sunday 3 December 2017

Sahaja Yogi Luciano G. got completely healed after self realization!

Sahaja Yogi Luciano G. got completely healed after self realization!

My professional life was spent as a civil servant in the Italian Foreign Affairs ministry. In February 1986, just after my return from Moscow where I had been working, I had a myocardial infarct as I was sitting in my armchair reading a newspaper. I almost immediately lost consciousness and only came round about twelve hours later to find myself in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

I later learned that I had been admitted very gravely ill and the doctors did not believe I would recover, despite having subjected me to violent cardiac stimulation. However, I made steady progress and after forty days in the hospital I was allowed to return home, retired from my work as permanently disabled.

I lived under constant medical control, with four visits a year to a cardiologist who carried out electrocardiography and various other tests. The doctor told me that I was very lucky to be alive. The only highlight of this difficult year was getting my Self Realization and finding out about Sahaja Yoga.

About a year after getting my Self Realization I went to see the specialist again. After conducting the usual tests with his apparatus, he expressed astonishment and asked me if I was sure that I had really had an infarctus. 

According to what he told me, the scar from the attack was no longer visible, this was incredible, although on the official report he merely noted that he had an impression of a partial recovery.” 

Since then he has told me that I no longer need undergo any further craniological checkups. The facts are so telling that little comment seems necessary. I would just like to add that my general medical progress followed my Self Realization.

Even the pain of an arthritis in my left shoulder gradually disappeared to the point that I can use my left arm normally and can go swimming again. When I received my Realization I could not even lift my left hand to feel the cool breeze as my shoulder was completely seized.

So I can confirm, in all awareness and all honesty, that only divine intervention helped me survive the heart attack and to get to know about Sahaja Yoga. 

Shri Mataji’s love and the vibrations did the rest.

Sahaja Yogi Luciano G.

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