Thursday, 17 November 2022

Frequently asked questions in Virat Daily meditation.

 Jai Shri Mataji!!!

Frequently asked questions in Virat Daily meditation.

Everything is in basics. Introspection questions.

1. Am I taking bandhan properly? Do I feel a change after bandhan?

2. Am I getting cool breeze on left palm?

3. Am I getting cool breeze on rght palm?

4. Can I meditate effortlessly? Where I open hands towards Shri Mataji and wait for 10 minutes and She takes over. 

5. Have I had an experience that tells me I can do nothing, Shri Mataji does it all.

6. Do I know to check if my Brahmarandra is open?

1. I dont feel vibrations in my hands.

Daily morning and evening Allah ho Akbar for 3 months.

2. I am not able to get cool breeze in left palm.

Listen: Clear left and right till all cool video -

If we have never got cool before or it has been more than 3 months, the problem has become chronic.

So it requires daily candling with one thick candle, for a max of 1 hour. 

How many days? 3 months. Till we get coolness from candle flame as told by Shri Mataji in the video.

3. I am not able to get cool breeze in right palm.

Listen: Clear left and right till all cool video -

If we have never got cool before or it has been more than 3 months, the problem has become chronic.

So it requires daily footsoaks with left hand towards sky.

For a max of 3 consecutive footsoaks. 

How many days? 3 months

4. I don't feel Sushmna?

Sushmna is formed with merging of Ida and Pingla. Cool breeze in left palm and right palm helps build Sushmna. 


Then do open Brahmanandra by putting right hand 2-3 inches above Sahasrara for 2 minutes, feel if vibrations are coming and if Brahmarandra is opening.

Then repeat with other left palm above head. Now repeat these two steps for 10 minutes. Then bring both palms down and feel Sushmna.

5. I don't feel widening of Sushmna

Vertical then Horizontal. We need at least a thin sushmna before joining collective which gives horizontal growth. So before joining collective if we have done balancing and have a thin Sushmna, it helps feel Widen Sushmna of Virat.

Best is finish footsoaks ( upto 3) till we get cool breeze on both palms and then join Virat.

6. I want to join meditation, but I don't get time.

If not getting time, it usually means desire power is weak. See if you are getting cool breeze on left palm. If you can ensure you get cool breeze on left palm as described above through candling, with time it will happen.

7. While meditating I feel sleepy.

When Sushmna is forming, we need to be alert. We need to be aware of two balloons - Ego and Superego. Sleep is pull from Superego or bodily tiredness ( need footsoak). If we are alert we will not get pulled by them. Be aware, Be alert, then Sushmna will manifest nicely.

8. Feel lethargic, lazy.

Give 108 times bandhan with right hand on liver. Shoebeat daily till  problem is solved.

9. Any recorded sessions of meditations?

10. How thick should the candle be?

Between 1 inch to 2 inches. Thinner candle take 2-4 hrs, which thick candle does in less than 1 hr - giving cool breeze on left palm.

11. Do I need to do daily candling?

If we are getting cool breeze on left palm, no need. If we are not getting cool breeze, then we need to do daily. It can be in 5-10-30 minutes. Observe and reduce the time accordingly.

12. Any speech for Shoebeat procedure?

14. Which chappal/shoe to use?

Use right chappal to Shoebeat self and left to Shoebeat others

Refer above speech

15. Can we shoebeat in night?

Yes day and night , anytime you can shoebeat. Anything that is preventing you from being thoughtless, shoebeat it.

16. Should we not use those chappals that we used for shoebeat?

Yes in Malaysia shoebeat speech Shri Mataji suggests to use rubber chappals if possible and not use them for wearing. We also noted when we wear we have accidents or pains.

17. I have right side problem, can I do candling?

If we are not getting cool breeze on left hand, we should do candling.  After that follow it up with upto 3 consecutive footsoaks till we get cool air on right hand

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Sahaja Yoga Miracle - Paulina survives a massive car accident

 कार के जलने के बाद श्रीमाताजी का फोटो और मैं ही बच पाये थे .....

(पॉलीना रोजेन्सटीन, ब्लिस एंड माइरेकल ग्रुप से साभार) 

अभी हाल ही में एक धुंधले से शुक्रवार के दिन मैं एक किराये की कार देने वाले ऑफिस में अपनी किराये की कार लेने पहुँची। काउंटर के पीछे खड़ी एक महिला ने मुझे फोर्ड रेनिगेड कार की चाबी दी जो दूसरी खड़ी गाड़ियों से काफी कम दूरी तक चली थी। मुझे 550 किमी0 की दूरी तय करनी थी। इस गाड़ी का मीटर मात्र 2800 किमी0 की तय की गई दूरी ही बता रहा था। मुझे ये कार बहुत पसंद आई। मैं कार लेकर जल्दी से घर की ओर भागी ताकि मैं अपना कुछ जरूरी सामान, अपने पति का सूटकेस और कुछ और आवश्यक सामान वगैरह साथ में ले सकूँ। कार में रेडियो पर NPR और फोन पर WAZE GPS लगाकर मैंने उसके शीशे आदि एडजस्ट किये। मैं चार्लेसटन जाने के लिये अब एकदम तैयार थी। GPS ने मुझे 78 W का मार्ग बताया और किसी बहुत ही आज्ञाकारी बच्चे की तरह से मैंने GPS के हर एक निर्देश को ठीक से माना। 

मैं हाइवे के तीन लेन वाले रास्तों में से बीच वाले रास्ते पर थी और अभी मैं न्यूयॉर्क शहर के बाहर 30-40 मिनट की दूरी भी तय नहीं कर पाई थी कि अचानक से मैंने इंजन की तेज आवाज सुनी। चूँकि मैं किसी अंडरपास से गुजर रही थी और मेरे दोनों ओर ट्रक बहुत ही तेजी से गुजर रहे थे तो मैंने सोचा शायद ये मेरे पास से गुजरने वाले किसी ट्रक की गड़गड़ाहट थी। लेकिन मुझे ये जानने में कुछ मिनट से ज्यादा का समय नहीं लगा कि ये शोर तो मेरी ही कार से आ रहा था। पहले तो मैंने सोचा कि मैं किसी अगले एक्जिट पर ही उतर जाँऊ, लेकिन तुरंत ही मैंने अपना इरादा बदल दिया और मैंने कार को हाइवे पर ही एक ओर रोक दिया। मैंने आस-पास से गुजरते हुये ट्रकों की बिल्कुल भी चिंता न करते हुये किसी तरह से अपनी कार को रोक दिया कि अचानक मेरे चेहरे के पास से तेज आग की लपटे निकलने लगीं जो परमात्मा की कृपा से विंडस्क्रीन के दूसरी ओर थीं।


मैंने तुरंत अपना हैंडबैग और सेल फोन उठाया और बाहर निकल गई। आपके चारों ओर जो हो रहा है उसके बारे में आपकी चेतना आपके आउट ऑफ बॉडी एक्सपीरियंस की तरह से होती है और आप इसे अनासक्त भाव से देखते रहते हैं .... साक्षी भाव में। आपके आस-पास जो भी हो रहा है, उसके बारे में आप एकदम जागरूक होते हैं। मेरे लिये चमत्कारी ढंग से जिस प्रकार से मदद मिली वो बहुत ही बड़ी बात थी। 

आग बुझाने वाली गाड़ी ने तुरंत आग को बुझाया। कार की बॉडी बुरी तरह से जल चुकी थी और केवल उसका मेटल का बना बाहरी हिस्सा ही बचा था। न जाने क्यों पर मुझे कार की ओर जाने की तीव्र इच्छा हुई लेकिन पुलिस वाले मुझे कार के पास भी नहीं जाने दे रहे थे। फायरमैन को बुरा भला कहने के बाद मुझे कार के बचे हुये अवशेषों को देखने की परमिशन दे दी गई, लेकिन वो भी प्रोफेशनल्स की मौजूदगी में और काफी दूर से।

कार में मेटल और राख के अलावा कुछ भी बाकी नहीं था। मैंने कार के चारों ओर जाकर देखा। वैसे मुझे कार से काफी दूरी पर रहने को कहा गया था। जब मैं कार की अगली खिड़की पर पहुँची तो मुझे लगा कि मुझे जली हुई कार के अंदर से कोई चीज झाँकती हुई दिखाई पड़ रही है। ये उस चीज के किनारे वाला सफेद भाग था जो सीट पर चमक रहा था(जो श्रीमाताजी का फोटो था)। मैं झुकी और मैंने तुरंत राख में से श्रीमाताजी के फोटो को बाहर निकाल लिया जिसका फ्रेम थोड़ा सा जल चुका था लेकिन फोटो में माँ की मुस्कुराहट जस की तस थी। फोटो को भी कुछ ज्यादा नुकसान नहीं हुआ था। इस भयंकर कार दुर्घटना के बाद जो बाकी रह गया था वो था श्रीमाताजी का ये पावन फोटो और मैं।


 Paulina experiences a miracle 

On a recent grey Friday morning, I came to a rental car office to pick up my rental car. The young woman behind the counter gave me Ford Renegade, because it had fewer miles than the other available vehicle and I had 550 miles to go.

 The Renegade had just a bit over 28,000 miles on the clock. I loved the car, promptly dashed home to pick up my luggage, my husband’s suitcase and some other bits and bobs that I thought would be needed. With NPR on the radio, WAZE GPS on the phone and mirrors fully adjusted, I was ready to whistle all the way to Charleston, WV. The GPS put me on i78W and like an obedient child I followed every instruction to the t. I was in the middle lane of the three lane express side of the highway, no more than 30-40 minutes outside of the city of New York  when I heard an engine noise. With trucks zooming at 75 mph all around me, going under an underpass, I could only assume that it was a rumble of a passing truck. 

It took me no more than a few minutes to realize that the noise came from my car! Initial thought of getting off at the next exit was inexplicably replaced by a need to get of the highway immediately. Cutting across the other lanes, without giving any thought to surrounding truck traffic, I barely managed to edge to the shoulder when flames exploded in front of my face, thankfully on the other side of the windscreen.  

 I grabbed my handbag and cell phone and got out!

The hyperawareness of one’s surroundings is a bit like an out-of-body experience, or, more precisely, of a totally detached witness, at the same time being fully aware of the surroundings and, most importantly the source of my miraculous help.

After the firemen put out the flames, there was only a burned out metal carcass that remained. I had an unexplained urge to get to the car, but the policeman would not let me near. After badgering the firemen, I was allowed to see the remains, but only in the presence of the professionals and not too close.

There was nothing left the car but burnt metal and ash. I walked around, starting from the back and going clockwise. I was kept several feet away from the car, but when I got to the front window on the passengers’ side, I though I saw something peeking from the black char. It was a white corner edge gleaming on the seat. I lunged, grabbed the edge and pulled Shri Mataji’s photo out of ashes. The frame was slightly burned, but the smile was unmistakably there and the photo largely undamaged!

The only things that survived this disastrous event were Shri Mataji’s photo and me!

Paulina Rosenstein.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Dinesh Pandey, AMC - Miraculous escape from near death experience!

 और माँ की कृपा से टला हादसा

जय श्री माताजी,

मैं दिनेश पाण्डेय आर्मी मेडिकल कोर में सीनियर नर्सिंग असिस्टेंट के पद पर मणिपुर राज्य की दुर्गम पहाड़ी एवं फील्ड एरिया में तैनात हूँ, जहाँ कि जिन्दगी कब मौत बन जाय कुछ कहा नहीं जा सकता। एक दिन ऐसी घटना घटी कि हमारी बटालियन का मुकाबला कुछ आतंकवादियों से हो गया था, जिसमें एक जवान बुरी तरह से घायल हो गया था। कमान अधिकारी महोदय ने गाड़ी भेजकर मुझे घटनास्थल पर ही बुलवाया, ड्राइवर मेरे पास आकर जल्दी चलो आपके लिए गाड़ी खड़ी है। मैं अपना प्राथमिक चिकित्सा बैग लेकर भागा। कुछ दूर चलने के बाद मैं जैसे ही सीढ़ियों से नीचे उतर रहा था मेरा पैर फिसल कर गड्ढे में चला गया और पीछे से ड्राइवर भी मेरे ऊपर गिर गया लेकिन जल्दी से निकल कर गाड़ी में जा बैठा। हाथ एवं पैर में मामूली चोट आई थी। घटनास्थल पर पहुँचकर देखा जवान खून से लथ-पथ पड़ा है। मैंने तुरंत उठाया इलाज करने लगा। तब तक अगल-बगल रात के अंधेरे में देखा तो पूरी बटालियन के जवान अपनी पोजीशन लिए हुए है, जबकि सैकड़ों की संख्या में यूजी (अंडर ग्राउंड आतंकी) हमला की मुद्रा में घेरे हुए हैं। 

मैंने स्थिति को भांपते हुए माँ निर्मला आदिशक्ति से प्रार्थना किया कि हे माँ, शांति प्रदान करे और हमारी तथा पूरी बटालियन के जवानों की रक्षा करें। थोड़ी देर पश्चात किस परिस्थिति में मैं उस घायल जवान को लेकर गाड़ी तक पहुँचाया और वह जवान तथा सभी सैनिक सुरक्षित बच गए। इस बात से सभी आश्चर्यचकित हैं तथा जब मैं सुबह उस गड्ढे को देखा तो मेरी सांस रुक गई कि वह गड्ढा इतना गहरा एवं खतरनाक था कि अगर माँ कि करुणा भरी कृपा नहीं होती तो हम ड्राइवर के साथ बड़ी दु:खद घटना घट सकती थी। 

आज मैं उसी जगत जननी जगदम्बा, आदिशक्ति माता निर्मला की पावन कृपा से इतनी भयावह स्थिति से बचकर अपनी बात बता रहा हूँ कि वह सीन सोचकर  खड़े हो जाते है।

दिनेश पाण्डेय, झांसी (उ.प्र.)

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Pollen grains of lotus fell from the towel that was used to wipe Shri Mataji's feet

 उस तौलिये पर भी कमल के फूल के परागकण झर रहे थे ......

(Devarshi Abalain, सहजयोगा फ्रैंड्स एंड फैमिली से साभार)

कबैला में 1991 में नवरात्रि सेमिनार से पहले एक चमत्कार घटा। हमने सुना कि कोई महिला श्रीमाताजी के पैरों में मालिश कर रही थी और उसने माँ के पैर पोंछने के लिये जिस तौलिये का प्रयोग किया उस पर एक पीले रंग का पाउडर निकल कर आ गया जिसमें से फूलों की बेहद तेज खुशबू आ रही थी। शाम को हम सबको श्रीमाताजी के कक्ष में बुलाया गया और माँ ने हम सबको उस चमत्कार का अर्थ समझाया।

माँ ने कहा कि एक बार नारद मुनि श्रीकृष्ण के पास आये और उन्होंने श्रीकृष्ण से पूछा कि क्यों भगवान श्रीकृष्ण को सभी गोपियों में श्रीराधा जी ही सबसे प्रिय हैं। श्रीकृष्ण ने कहा कि चलिये इस बात को जानने के लिये गोपियों की परीक्षा ले ली जाय। आप जाकर सभी गोपियों से कहें कि श्रीकृष्ण बीमार हैं और वे तभी ठीक हो पायेंगे जब वे दवा के रूप में आपके चरणों की धूल खायेंगे। नारद मुनि ने यही बात गोपियों से जाकर कह दी। वे सब ये सुन कर अवाक रह गईं। उन्होंने नारद जी से कहा कि आपने हमसे ऐसी बात कहने का साहस किस प्रकार से किया? ये तो सरासर श्रीकृष्ण का अपमान करना है। क्या आप चाहते हैं कि ऐसा करके हमारे पुण्यों का क्षय हो जाय? गोपियों का उत्तर सुनने के बाद नारद मुनि राधा जी के पास गये और उनसे भी वही बात कही। 

राधा जी ने सुन कर एक क्षण की भी देरी नहीं लगाई और कहा कि हाँ .... हाँ क्यों नहीं आप श्रीकृष्ण के लिये मेरे पैरों की धूल अवश्य ले जाइये। नारद जी ने राधा जी के चरणों की धूल ली और श्रीकृष्ण के पास चले आये। नारद मुनि सोच में पड़ गये कि किस प्रकार से राधा जी ने श्रीकृष्ण के लिये अपने पैरों की धूल भेज दी? उनके मन की बात समझ कर श्रीकृष्ण ने नारद मुनि को दिव्य दृष्टि से अपने हृदय में देखने को कहा। 

नारद जी ने देखा कि श्रीकृष्ण के हृदय में एक कमल का फूल है और उस कमल पर श्रीराधा जी खड़ी हैं। उनके चरणों के स्पर्श से कमल के फूल का पराग झर-झर करके गिर रहा था। श्रीराधा जी के चरणों की धूल और कुछ नहीं बल्कि यही पराग था। 

उस तौलिये पर भी इसी तरह के पराग के कण झर रहे थे। कबैला में इस तौलिये को लिविंग रूम में रखा गया था और हम लोग उससे उत्सर्जित होने वाले चैतन्य का अनुभव भली-भाँति कर पा रहे थे।

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Shri Mataji is Shri Adi Shakti - An Incident

 This is a story from 1973-4. My mother was just recently introduced to Sahaja Yoga and to Shri Mataji. She was at the early stages of experiencing vibrations, experiencing within herself. At that time my parents were living in Ambanath, which is a suburb of Mumbai, and one day  someone rang the doorbell and my mum opened the door, and there was a sadhu or sanyasi wearing saffron robes. He presented himself and said that his guru had sent him because he had heard that my mother was a disciple of Shri Adi Shakti. My mother was dumbfounded because she didn’t expect anyone to come and ring the doorbell and say that. So my mum gave him self realisation, took his contact details and reported this to Shri Mataji.

Adi Shakti Puja, 1999

In fact after a few months  Shri Mataji came to our home in Ambanath and wanted to meet this person. And here he was,  with his guru, and Shri Mataji has told this story in many of Her speeches. This guru was one of the Naonath*, that is one of the nine great masters who stay in the Himalayas. He was a disciple of this great master, and then Shri Mataji went to his ashram. We noticed that this man was very silent, very humble, and very respectful  towards Shri Mataji, and this was because he had a total recognition  of who Shri Mataji was. We had a whole night of bhajans and all the night he was just silent, watching Shri Mataji’s Lotus Feet very very respectfully, as if he was doing some kind of a puja within his heart.

At the end he opened up a little bit and said ‘only You can do this job of giving Self Realisation.’ He said he had no hope for human beings and Shri Mataji asked why that was. He said that there were two of his disciples, who after many years of his training, of his meditation, were still smoking and still had a very bad agnya chakra. He didn’t know how to open it and could not forgive them. He said it was only a mother’s job to help them. So of course Shri Mataji promptly opened their agnya chakra and gave them Self Realisation.

These two disciples came running to Shri Mataji’s Feet and thanked Her, and said that their guru was very strict with them. In fact one of the disciples was hung upside down over a well because he was caught smoking. So this was a big memory which is very close to my heart, our first exposure of who Shri Mataji really was.

Nao Nath:

The Navanath (Sanskritनवनाथ), also spelt as Navnatha and Nao Nath in vernacular languages, are the nine saints, Masters or Naths on whom the Navnath Sampradaya, the lineage of the nine gurus is based.They are worshipped collectively as well as individually.


Suamitra Mullarpattan, translator of Nisargadatta Maharaj, gives the following list:

  1. Matchindra-Nath (9th Century), "who was said to be, initiated by one of the three primary Hindu gods (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma), namely by Shiva, in the science and teaching of Yoga."[4]
  2. Goraksha-Natha
  3. Jalandhar-Nath
  4. Kanifanath
  5. Charapati-Nath
  6. Naganath
  7. Bhartari-Nath
  8. Revan-Nath
  9. Gahininath

Navnath pothi / Navnath Bhaktisar

The "Navnath Bhaktisar" also known as the"Navnath pothi" narrates the Navnaths' births, their lives and deeds. As the Navnath are strongly worshiped in Maharashtra, the book is written in Marathi. It is written by Malu Narhari. In this text, the author mentions at the end of each chapter that this text is a taken from original text which is also in Marathi 'Kimayagaar' by Gorakhnath, one of the Navnath.


The coming of the Navnath - or nine prophets - is mentioned in the MahabharataKrishna called a meeting of all demi-gods, angels and saints to give his message of how he would continue his message of spreading good after his mission is over on earth. Krishna said he would send his own light in the form of nine saints or prophets, who will go to different parts of earth and throughout the universe where life exists.

 Lord Krishna also mentions that these prophets or saints will spread the message of Love, overcoming obstacles in order to unite with Mahavishnu or Shiva or Shakti. Krishna said that they would help only those who have good souls and believers

Sunday, 25 November 2018

A vision of Lord Jesus Christ - Sahaja Yogini Maria Laventz

A vision of Lord Jesus Christ - Sahaja Yogini Maria Laventz

I was born in Athens in 1945 and as a child knew it was necessary for me to learn English, which I did at the age of eleven and it was most useful later when I met Shri Mataji. 

At the age of seventeen I had a vision of Lord Jesus in my house, during Easter time, the most frustrating period of the year for me, as I could not bear the crucifixion. Shri Jesus appeared on the cross and as He saw me so frustrated, the nails came off His hands and feet, He came down from the cross, and smiling He sat with me at a large empty dinner table. 

During His visit I asked why we sat at such a large table and He answered that it would soon be filled with people. He then asked me for a glass of water and some bread, and to touch His wounds. I felt a lot of pain and He said not to worry but to remember Him at a later date when the time was right.

A few years later I went to England and on the March 21st 1970 got married there. My real seeking started and by the mid-seventies I knew I was searching for ‘my Mother’. In about 1977, during a lunch break from work, in Wellingborough, in the Midlands, feeling very sad and depressed from my fruitless search, I walked into a bookshop and pulled out a magazine.

I opened a page at random and there was a picture of Shri Mataji. I knew, looking at that divine photograph, that my search was over, as I saw the One I had been looking for. Under the picture was the time and place of the meeting – 7.00 pm, Caxton Hall, London.

Meeting Shri Mataji

I drove to London immediately after work, arrived at Caxton Hall and found it absolutely packed with people. I squeezed through the crowd and found a seat in the third row exactly opposite Shri Mataji, who was wearing a white sari. In those days Shri Mataji, after Her talk, would get up and go to every single person, touching their heads and giving realisation. 

Anxiously waiting for my turn, after giving realisation to the person before me, She passed by, absolutely ignoring me, and on Her way to the next person I saw in a flash, Lord Jesus, as I had seen Him, when He asked me to remember Him years before. Overwhelmed, I touched Her sari, brought it to my forehead and silently sent out the thought: ‘My Lord, even touching Your gown is enough for me.’

Shri Mataji turned and came back to me. I embraced Her round Her waist and rested my head on Her Nabhi, crying my heart out.

‘Mother, at long last I have found You. May I please become Your daughter?’ I cried. She laughed in the same way Lord Jesus had done in my vision.

‘But you already are My daughter,’ She answered, and asked for a glass of water. Someone brought it to Her. She vibrated it and asked me to drink. I drank half of it and with the rest She washed my face. 

That was my first encounter with Shri Mataji.

Maria Laventz

Friday, 21 September 2018

HOMEOSTASIS & 'SAGAR-MANTHAN' via Sahaja Yogini Armaity Bhabha

HOMEOSTASIS & 'SAGAR-MANTHAN' via Sahaja Yogini  Armaity Bhabha

Before a state of homeostasis is reached in any sphere of existence,..... be it a human organism, ecological and environmental issues, those concerning a society and those dealing with economic, cultural and moral issues affecting humanity, there is always a period of turbulence which precedes it, so that all that is unwholesome, corrupt, and detrimental to the welfare of the whole is exposed for all to see and finally destroyed.

 What we are witnessing today at a global level is a churning or "sagar-manthan" of the modern age .... where only after this period of trial and error brought about by our collective wrong and unwise choices , the nectar or "the amrit" will finally emerge.

 Till then, atleast those of us who can remain a detached witness continue to do that and yet be proactive by putting our enlightened attention on what is happening.

As more and more people realize the truth and see their folly, the time is bound to come when all that is based on foundation of untruth, corruption, foulplay and pandering to lower instincts of men like hatred and greed is finally destroyed.

When such a day will dawn will entirely depend upon more and more human beings who will learn to give precedence to altruism rather than give in to their own selfish greed.

But the beginning has been made ..... but many many more need to be awakened !