Wednesday 21 December 2016

Approach the divine deities who are like 'Department Heads'....instead of the CEO!

Kind courtesy @ Sahaja Yogi Mark Williams~

I'd thought I'd share a couple of interesting experiences that we've had regarding prayer, Puja and deities.
A few years ago I went into business with a couple of guys and for the first three months things were not really working out. A lot of pitching and meetings but we couldn't get any work. This was beginning to become a real problem as I had to pay the rent and keep food in the table.
I had bandhaned and shoe beat it and nothing was working out.
One weekend Sushma and I heard a talk where Shri Mataji had said to talk to the deities themselves as they were the 'department managers'. 
 So we did a Puja to Shri Ganesha (to remove obstacles and give us wise decision making), Shri Hanuman (for right action) and Shri Mahalaxmi (for Her blessing of sustainance) and prayed individually to each of them for help. With each we offered the elements, washed the photo, placed flowers etc and said mantras.
I kid you not, literally 24 hours later I was offered a massive project and the woman who offered it to me later said 'my gut told me you were right for it' so we were all ok! Everything was working out incredibly well and lots of people around us who were part of it commented that there must be some kind of divine hand. It was just weird how everything was coming together so effortlessly. Just the way things came together was great.
Now fast forward again to just recently and we had a terrible Summer here with no work. I went three months without anything and it was dire. We did the same Puja and once again within a week I had more work than I knew what to do with... and all really nice projects with good people. It's like a flood gate opened. Lots of coincidences leading to things working out.
It was really a reminder for me that everything is orchestrated for us if we know how to channel that attention in a Sahaj way and just surrender.
So we mentioned this at our centre and a yogini who was having financial difficulties decided to try the same thing. All she wanted was a flat mate to share her rent cost. She had tried for months to get someone but no one would come. After her Puja she got three people and now they fully cover her rent.... she lives for free. She was practically broke in the weeks leading up to this moment.
I thought it was good to share this because we often need help and of course pray to Shri Mataji for help. She is our God after all :) Yet it's kind of like asking a busy CEO a simple customer service question :) Where maybe if we go to the department manager we can manage it all without being a problem for Adi Shakti!
I got the impression they wanted to show themselves in our lives and were keen to increase our faith. Actually when everything started working out for me it really brought a tear to my eye.....knowing that everything would always be ok! Always.
Try it with a full heart and I guarantee your faith in the deities will skyrocket! Please share your outcomes too  


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