Friday 23 December 2016

How crown of thorns starfish, that caused serious ecological problem, were taken care of!- A Sahaja Miracle

C. N. and K.McH. tell the following story about how Shree Mataji resolved a serious ecological problem. 

In 1992 Shri Mataji was staying in Cairns, Australia. The Cairns Sahaja Yogis told Shri Mataji about the problems that were occurring in the area of Queensland in northeastern Australia. One of these was the crown of thorns starfish, normally living in manageable numbers on the Great Barrier Reef. They have a body about the size of a dinner plate, ten arms that come out from the body and are all covered in thorns, hence the name.

They live on live coral and over about twenty years their numbers had grown to plague proportions. They moved like a swarm over coral and ate it and they left the bones of the coral. The scientists were worried that the Great Barrier Reef would die. The Sahaja Yogis told Mother and She went out in a glass-bottomed boat to see them. She put the starfish into bandhan and said it was in Her attention. 

Shri Mataji put these things into bandhan. She said that Queensland has a problem because there is so much corruption there in the society, the government and the police force that they will have plagues.

After Sydney Shri Mataji then flew on to New Zealand. And on the way back from New Zealand someone from the Perth collective was sitting next to Her. She wanted to watch the news on the internal flight video. The first item was that tens of thousands of crown of thorns starfish had been found floating dead off the Great Barrier Reef. The scientists couldn't understand what had happened but looked into the thing and they found that the proportion of crown of thorns starfish had gone back to the pre-plague proportions. This all happened about twelve days after She had been there and put Her attention on it.


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